Long time Monitoring option for Coriolis Micro
Long time Monitoring option for Coriolis Micro
Option to extend the sampling time up to 6 hours
Previous catalog number: 05027-662-RD001
Home / Life Sciences / Bioreagent & Bioanalytical tools / CGRP (rat) ELISA kit
Enzyme ImmunoAssay (EIA) is a technique to detect and quantify antigens (proteins, hormones…) or antibodies in samples. It relies on the ability of an antibody to bind a specific antigen.
Rat blood, plasma serum, culture supernatant, nervous tissues, cerebrospinal fluid. Plasma & serum: no extraction required if free plasma or serum used dor standard curve. Cerebrospinal fluid: 1/20 dilution prior assay.
Acetylcholinesterase technology (AChE) offers several advantages compared to enzymes conventionally used in EIAs:
Weight | 1 lbs |
Dimensions | 7 × 6 × 2 in |
Option to extend the sampling time up to 6 hours
Previous catalog number: 05027-662-RD001
5 units of sterile cones and caps. Each cone and cap are packed in a single sterile pouch.
Includes 50 preps of 1.4mm ceramic (zirconium oxide) beads in 0.5mL, 2mL, 2mL Protein Safe or 7mL standard tubes. CK14...
Air intake and screw.
Previous catalog number: 05027-600-PE102
Includes 50 preps of a mix of glass and ceramic (zirconium oxide) beads in 2mL or 7mL standard tubes. SK38...
50 units of cones and caps assembled.
Minimum order of x3 packs.
Includes 50 preps of ceramic (zirconium oxide) mix beads of 2.8mm and 5.0mm in 2mL reinforced tubes.Custom design reinforced tubes...
2mL kit includes 50 preps of ceramic (zirconium oxide) mix beads of 1.4mm and 2.8mm in 2mL standard tubes.
Microbial air sampler for indoor and outdoor air bio-contamination
Air intake and screw for long time monitoring option.
Previous catalog number: 05027-662-PE103
Battery charger.
Previous catalog number: 05027-600-PL010.
50 units of sterile collection liquid doses. 15mL Each.
2mL kit: 50 preps of 2.8mm ceramic beads, standard tubes 2mL-R kit: 50 preps of 2.8mm ceramic beads, reinforced tubes...
Air intake and screw with 25mm connection.
Previous Catalog number: 05027-600-PE104.
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